e18d9bad-38ab-48f7-98a9-24ac03c16bd2 | | General | | | | |
28b0013f-4a8a-4cca-a3cf-6034051cf4e5 | 7322e93b-5f01-4616-9af9-ba1a3762898e | Sports Studies | A&S-U | AS-BA | SS | A&S-U/AS-BA/SS |
ab75c2c1-0ea5-4cd3-b3d2-5480a241db78 | 7322e93b-5f01-4616-9af9-ba1a3762898e | Thematic Option | A&S-U | AS-BA | TM | A&S-U/AS-BA/TM |
cbf87df2-1261-4212-bb58-c5361101b1b5 | 09eb3e1e-8cac-463e-9528-d4cbd0f7bc26 | Clinical Science | HP-U | AB-BS | CLS | HP-U/AB-BS/CLS |
22ef6085-dc50-4e62-b178-cc1cfd97bf96 | 09eb3e1e-8cac-463e-9528-d4cbd0f7bc26 | Pre-Medical/Pre-Health | HP-U | AB-BS | PMP | HP-U/AB-BS/PMP |
163a07ca-bdbb-414a-8067-936d2a4383a1 | d314df52-eb1b-460c-b948-c045bab2d34c | Applied and Computational Mathematics | SCI-U | AMS-BS | ACM | SCI-U/AM-BS/ACM |
bcd882bf-24e0-4128-b8af-1de5c4d15663 | d314df52-eb1b-460c-b948-c045bab2d34c | Statistics | SCI-U | AMS-BS | STA | SCI-U/AM-BS/STA |
270220da-290f-4017-9937-2953eebbb70c | b4cbbc4d-5d8c-47d1-97fb-0ebd27a6c081 | Animation & Interactive Media | A&S-U | FA-BFA | AIM | A&S-U/FA-BFA/AIM |
d3475a43-4df6-482c-98c9-636e8b461ebd | b4cbbc4d-5d8c-47d1-97fb-0ebd27a6c081 | Studio Art - Fine Arts | A&S-U | FA-BFA | AR | A&S-U/FA-BFA/AR |
d397d2e3-99e0-4ace-b888-19d82b47959d | 04d22188-675a-4bbd-9595-973dfd5b1170 | Bioinformatics | SCI-U | BS-BS | BF | SCI-U/BS-BS/BF |
a5ffd407-0b1b-4bf3-9306-15ece81516ea | 04d22188-675a-4bbd-9595-973dfd5b1170 | Biotechnology | SCI-U | BS-BS | BT | SCI-U/BS-BS/BT |
32655080-51cf-477a-9884-66db0f238003 | 04d22188-675a-4bbd-9595-973dfd5b1170 | Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Option | SCI-U | BS-BS | EO | SCI-U/BS-BS/EO |
a5c2097e-b3b8-4618-8a4e-9834a3d06559 | 04d22188-675a-4bbd-9595-973dfd5b1170 | Pre-Medical/Pre-Health Biology | SCI-U | BS-BS | PMP-BIO | SCI-U/BS-BS/PMP-BIO |
5c03c947-50cc-474d-988a-63ed7835258c | 0150b547-a6d8-4712-b8a6-659ca181d8f7 | Accounting | MG-U | BA-BBA | AC | MG-U/BA-BBA/AC |
3683ac0a-b1d8-431c-9428-48aa720684e2 | 0150b547-a6d8-4712-b8a6-659ca181d8f7 | Analytics & Operations Management | MG-U | BA-BBA | AOM | MG-U/BA-BBA/AOM |
a0e52468-7116-453d-b71b-741d6c2cca22 | 0150b547-a6d8-4712-b8a6-659ca181d8f7 | Entrepreneurship | MG-U | BA-BBA | ET | MG-U/BA-BBA/ET |
a6c89f12-f243-4cbd-8398-e45c35573421 | 0150b547-a6d8-4712-b8a6-659ca181d8f7 | Finance | MG-U | BA-BBA | FI | MG-U/BA-BBA/FI |
00171f2f-10cd-403a-acfe-628954d48c42 | 0150b547-a6d8-4712-b8a6-659ca181d8f7 | International Business | MG-U | BA-BBA | IBUS | MG-U/BA-BBA/IBUS |
d6453093-82fe-4365-bbd9-c2a939b19015 | 0150b547-a6d8-4712-b8a6-659ca181d8f7 | Management | MG-U | BA-BBA | MG | MG-U/BA-BBA/MG |
ec88aef5-d872-4d9e-8c97-26d553107b9c | 0150b547-a6d8-4712-b8a6-659ca181d8f7 | Management Information Systems | MG-U | BA-BBA | IN | MG-U/BA-BBA/IN |
b32d16ae-e535-4ea8-affc-f5151017d57d | 0150b547-a6d8-4712-b8a6-659ca181d8f7 | Marketing | MG-U | BA-BBA | MK | MG-U/BA-BBA/MK |
7f70ab86-c252-4c62-834d-a89ae5059d91 | c96fa097-e5a1-4dcd-9725-36a563f65f2b | Advanced Materials | EN-U | CN-BSE | ADM | EN-U/CN-BSE/ADM |
734631d1-bd29-4fe6-b874-42c37456d4bb | c96fa097-e5a1-4dcd-9725-36a563f65f2b | Bioengineering | EN-U | CN-BSE | BEO | EN-U/CN-BSE/BEO |
4a610951-1563-4394-b9e6-6a2373e8404f | c96fa097-e5a1-4dcd-9725-36a563f65f2b | Nanomaterials Engineering | EN-U | CN-BSE | NO | EN-U/CN-BSE/NO |
82b211c9-2ee1-4c10-9a60-b7e80f52f602 | c96fa097-e5a1-4dcd-9725-36a563f65f2b | Nuclear Engineering | EN-U | CN-BSE | NU | EN-U/CN-BSE/NU |
fdd190a5-7e6c-4a8f-96db-3ce03a56d2da | c30e3acf-1414-4dad-8c8e-baa784ed70a6 | Biochemistry | SCI-U | CH-BS | BIO | SCI-U/CH-BS/BIO |
e429b98c-9a05-497e-b5b7-977d50e691d2 | c30e3acf-1414-4dad-8c8e-baa784ed70a6 | Forensic Science | SCI-U | CH-BS | FS | SCI-U/CH-BS/FS |
46bf2bed-3d0d-452c-9e67-e55b0a66582d | c30e3acf-1414-4dad-8c8e-baa784ed70a6 | STEM Teaching | SCI-U | CH-BS | STT | SCI-U/CH-BS/STT |
091d0b1c-dd0e-4d06-a9d3-16979a7457e7 | c30e3acf-1414-4dad-8c8e-baa784ed70a6 | Sustainability - Chemistry | SCI-U | CH-BS | SST | SCI-U/CH-BS/SST |
29ca2bae-99c8-48ed-9543-75c6a3c1240b | f9a9dacb-69d7-42ff-a201-b22cf6dfd28e | Bioinformatics/Cheminformatics | SCI-U | CS-BS | BO | SCI-U/CS-BS/BO |
632434e2-3aa7-4933-994d-400b6570b194 | f9a9dacb-69d7-42ff-a201-b22cf6dfd28e | Cybersecurity | SCI-U | CS-BS | CYS | SCI-U/CS-BS/CYS |
f5deb948-c47d-4b96-9d3b-fc7b73e71f00 | f9a9dacb-69d7-42ff-a201-b22cf6dfd28e | Data Science | SCI-U | CS-BS | DS | SCI-U/CS-BS/DS |
cb087905-82ce-4495-8bdb-de128388a314 | 9720eb5d-bcf6-4301-a462-17b2491d9e20 | Crime & Mental Health | A&S-U | CJ-BS | CMH | A&S-U/CJ-BS/CMH |
73d8ec8a-3f13-482f-b634-c781d933452d | 9720eb5d-bcf6-4301-a462-17b2491d9e20 | Homeland Security | A&S-U | CJ-BS | HO | A&S-U/CJ-BS/HO |
920fcdb1-7191-4cbc-9c77-412ba1e775f3 | 9720eb5d-bcf6-4301-a462-17b2491d9e20 | Police | A&S-U | CJ-BS | PO | A&S-U/CJ-BS/PO |
9decc8b6-a7b2-4696-980d-c8090fe0257d | 858db9b2-1b68-4274-a8d6-5d54e143628e | Elementary & Moderate Disabilities | EDU-U | ED-BA | EMD | EDU-U/ED-BA/EMD |
d96d02ab-00a8-4d39-a5d5-ca3aefb5145f | 9234f2f7-cf56-4213-a687-7c746fde1365 | Electrical and Computer Engineering | SCI-U | EGP-BS | ECE | SCI-U/EGP-BS/ECE |
c29655c0-73b9-4bd8-9d19-27725d5831d1 | 9234f2f7-cf56-4213-a687-7c746fde1365 | Mechanical Engineering | SCI-U | EGP-BS | MLE | SCI-U/EGP-BS/MLE |
b35ad9f5-430b-422c-abc1-453cc8c23e3d | 9234f2f7-cf56-4213-a687-7c746fde1365 | Nuclear | SCI-U | EGP-BS | NUC | SCI-U/EGP-BS/NUC |
32beadb2-b3a7-4136-a5fe-846556047851 | d27ca962-eed5-49be-afcb-210ec759dcc6 | Creative Writing | A&S-U | EN-BA | WR | A&S-U/EN-BA/WR |
63425506-971e-44ab-b5bb-1b5c5c13f374 | d27ca962-eed5-49be-afcb-210ec759dcc6 | Journalism & Professional Writing | A&S-U | EN-BA | JP | A&S-U/EN-BA/JP |
473db82e-71d2-43fa-b2dd-5865e15c1891 | d27ca962-eed5-49be-afcb-210ec759dcc6 | Literature - English | A&S-U | EN-BA | LT | A&S-U/EN-BA/LT |
e563832c-e095-472c-8ff0-3037bee7b483 | d27ca962-eed5-49be-afcb-210ec759dcc6 | Theatre Arts - English | A&S-U | EN-BA | TH | A&S-U/EN-BA/TH |
7c892f8d-64db-41bf-85a1-64528d61edae | 6f02a0d8-65ba-402e-a06b-0c7af40c19c7 | Environmental Science | SCI-U | EV-BS | EV | SCI-U/EV-BS/EV |
563e488f-caa6-4ed2-ab8a-0374eb44a721 | 6f02a0d8-65ba-402e-a06b-0c7af40c19c7 | Geoscience | SCI-U | EV-BS | GE | SCI-U/EV-BS/GE |
610dfc02-0306-4ebd-8414-b27d8f4f6195 | 8360a983-5a78-4883-89ce-2eeb8687e063 | Sustainability | SCI-U | EV-BA | SU | SCI-U/EV-BA/SU |
9b7cc972-9d8b-415c-a303-dbfe98a3b493 | 23d3b3fb-b329-4eec-a09a-bcf5736affce | Clinical | HP-U | EX-BS | CLO | HP-U/EX-BS/CLO |
5b8621cf-a2fc-44d2-a834-fbfca08a3e63 | 23d3b3fb-b329-4eec-a09a-bcf5736affce | Exercise & Fitness Management | HP-U | EX-BS | EFM | HP-U/EX-BS/EFM |
2b1186db-5444-4f33-9b40-224d8647a5e8 | 23d3b3fb-b329-4eec-a09a-bcf5736affce | Pre-Physician Assistant | HP-U | EX-BS | PPA | HP-U/EX-BS/PPA |
a00ed911-05fa-4dc4-9025-ef8726c5adbc | 23d3b3fb-b329-4eec-a09a-bcf5736affce | Strength & Conditioning | HP-U | EX-BS | STC | HP-U/EX-BS/STC |
11c7ce50-891c-4891-aa76-ff1c1b9f63c3 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | American Studies | A&S-U | LA-BLA | AMERSTDY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/AMERSTDY |
93a8e429-e33e-45ba-8f1a-9d68aa4ddb2f | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Architectural Studies | A&S-U | LA-BLA | ARCHSTDY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/ARCHSTDY |
74cca784-a6fc-4b7b-b582-b87454cf0651 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Art History | A&S-U | LA-BLA | ARTHIST | A&S-U/LA-BLA/ARTHIST |
064b540e-986f-4116-ad67-c88dd6581930 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Asian Studies | A&S-U | LA-BLA | ASIANST | A&S-U/LA-BLA/ASIANST |
fe8e7f7b-1aff-4733-9850-8fb2770640d0 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Criminal Justice | A&S-U | LA-BLA | CRIMJUST | A&S-U/LA-BLA/CRIMJUST |
a548b8aa-4a90-424b-b9ab-c4219f1ebe11 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Digital Media | A&S-U | LA-BLA | DGTLMEDIA | A&S-U/LA-BLA/DGTLMEDIA |
c2a1281e-942f-46e4-aea5-243b08464d77 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Disability Studies | A&S-U | LA-BLA | DISABSTDY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/DISABSTDY |
2e4ea8d1-9abe-4515-ae66-bcfebb08fdf6 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Economics | A&S-U | LA-BLA | ECONOMY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/ECONOMY |
30ba50c3-8ccc-4af0-a786-be811e78d4be | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Education | A&S-U | LA-BLA | EDUCATION | A&S-U/LA-BLA/EDUCATION |
fc704a38-1656-450c-8df4-a3454d6583f9 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Environment & Society | A&S-U | LA-BLA | ENVIRO&SOC | A&S-U/LA-BLA/ENVIRO&SOC |
77646ac8-4be9-4709-aa29-b298189ba352 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Gender Studies | A&S-U | LA-BLA | GENDSTDY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/GENDSTDY |
4e47f8f1-bd4e-4180-adba-47a679978da2 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Graphic Design | A&S-U | LA-BLA | GRAPHIC | A&S-U/LA-BLA/GRAPHIC |
1dc719c4-5d5f-4c7e-8ceb-6e8374dd1251 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Health Studies | A&S-U | LA-BLA | HEALTHSTUD | A&S-U/LA-BLA/HEALTHSTUD |
504b9a04-857c-4f7c-8c97-b0b7f3220953 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | History | A&S-U | LA-BLA | HISTORY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/HISTORY |
df5de5dd-6501-4217-a4a2-07ac0f7c7b26 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Languages | A&S-U | LA-BLA | LANGUAGE | A&S-U/LA-BLA/LANGUAGE |
05c5b591-73b6-4b80-90ba-89e9b41aa4e1 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Legal Studies | A&S-U | LA-BLA | LEGLSTDY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/LEGLSTDY |
960403dd-80c3-47f3-824a-4cfd121a915a | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Literature - Liberal Arts | A&S-U | LA-BLA | LITERATURE | A&S-U/LA-BLA/LITERATURE |
ebe5657a-61a7-42b7-b96d-a8d044a17854 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Medieval & Renaissance Studies | A&S-U | LA-BLA | MEDRENSTDY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/MEDRENSTDY |
7757fe2b-e10c-46e6-b6b6-b978c743aa80 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Music | A&S-U | LA-BLA | MUSIC | A&S-U/LA-BLA/MUSIC |
4969dad5-bcfd-4598-9615-8b359f146e27 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Philosophy | A&S-U | LA-BLA | PHILOSOPHY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/PHILOSOPHY |
702aa512-5e1c-478f-84c4-57115563480f | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Political Science | A&S-U | LA-BLA | POLSCIENCE | A&S-U/LA-BLA/POLSCIENCE |
c980a364-e65c-4f62-9ded-0735a004cfea | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Psychology | A&S-U | LA-BLA | PSYCHOLOGY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/PSYCHOLOGY |
fc693802-8710-47bd-b1e3-f6e49c35e716 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Race & Ethnic Studies | A&S-U | LA-BLA | RACEÐNC | A&S-U/LA-BLA/RACEÐNC |
738865a6-a600-4978-ac98-2e49aed06e40 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Sociology | A&S-U | LA-BLA | SOCIOLOGY | A&S-U/LA-BLA/SOCIOLOGY |
beeba47a-55a9-481f-baa2-f17b42a4c2ad | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Studio Art - Liberal Arts | A&S-U | LA-BLA | STUDIOART | A&S-U/LA-BLA/STUDIOART |
fd0ada3a-b2bf-49e5-a366-afe680170050 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Theatre Arts - Liberal Arts | A&S-U | LA-BLA | THEATEARTS | A&S-U/LA-BLA/THEATEARTS |
1345ba6d-d63f-4877-b105-d70084f81ee0 | fa96bc01-e98a-42b3-98e7-b19304bc2036 | Writing | A&S-U | LA-BLA | WRITING | A&S-U/LA-BLA/WRITING |
b387bbf4-34f0-45c4-875a-2dc3bb9a9a47 | fc0c53e5-4f6a-4a8a-97e2-a5869844c75a | Teaching | SCI-U | MA-BS | TA | SCI-U/MA-BS/TA |
b1eee2d4-9a3e-4656-895f-cf41b86e1c81 | 841a3d37-ca6d-44bc-b297-372803b79f40 | Instrumental | A&S-U | MP-BM | PN | A&S-U/MP-BM/PN |
05769e9d-c0ec-40c7-8433-d7d6b317de76 | 841a3d37-ca6d-44bc-b297-372803b79f40 | Voice | A&S-U | MP-BM | PV | A&S-U/MP-BM/PV |
bcfebc08-71a5-4437-9528-8dc3d149e053 | 55f516bb-ed9e-4be1-a8cd-d9390ddb3690 | Dietetics | HP-U | NS-BS | DTC | HP-U/NS-BS/DTC |
604ff139-b703-485e-880d-0d90f254ff81 | 55f516bb-ed9e-4be1-a8cd-d9390ddb3690 | Nutrition and Wellness | HP-U | NS-BS | NUW | HP-U/NS-BS/NUW |
1d31532e-5f76-422f-b612-143aed74bcea | fa04820d-97c8-45a2-8e1a-f95b32fd1bf9 | Marketing and Management | HP-U | PR-BS | PMM | HP-U/PR-BS/PMM |
c61eb748-54c5-4182-831b-aa37fb6dfc92 | 0131e38f-8e51-4956-83a2-69e35140c587 | Communication & Critical Thinking | A&S-U | PY-BA | CC | A&S-U/PY-BA/CC |
d69aa567-e988-498a-9e18-9ea063da2716 | 0131e38f-8e51-4956-83a2-69e35140c587 | Religious Studies | A&S-U | PY-BA | PRS | A&S-U/PY-BA/PRS |
df38cf07-c018-4fce-a2c7-f1cbd54964fb | e1335c9a-3fef-4a26-aafa-e73b486c0af9 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | SCI-U | PH-BS | ASA | SCI-U/PH-BS/ASA |
54dad58f-165f-4bdc-a72a-16614f76e325 | e1335c9a-3fef-4a26-aafa-e73b486c0af9 | Radiological Health | SCI-U | PH-BS | RH | SCI-U/PH-BS/RH |
b144721f-48e5-4b37-a3b3-3e01dfbece0e | ed29b138-347a-4b78-8954-6d2eb30dcbcc | American Politics | A&S-U | PO-BA | AMP | A&S-U/PO-BA/AMP |
9f3d8a0c-ee5a-40ae-84e9-0f9f086a771d | ed29b138-347a-4b78-8954-6d2eb30dcbcc | International Relations and Comparative | A&S-U | PO-BA | IRC | A&S-U/PO-BA/IRC |
790d677b-8ed0-46ea-a550-575c686c461c | ed29b138-347a-4b78-8954-6d2eb30dcbcc | Law and Politics | A&S-U | PO-BA | LWP | A&S-U/PO-BA/LWP |
9310f5a1-2973-4f3f-bac8-d7a9af2bf3f9 | ed29b138-347a-4b78-8954-6d2eb30dcbcc | Political Communication & Public Opinion | A&S-U | PO-BA | PCP | |
c1ec9fa6-90e7-4328-9b6f-389d52f71133 | ed29b138-347a-4b78-8954-6d2eb30dcbcc | Sustainability and Environmental Politics | A&S-U | PO-BA | SEP | |
afeda36a-ee31-438b-8927-cbe96e0173f7 | 444f75fe-6a2e-4947-8dee-219b5e07c449 | Community Health/Health Promotion | HP-U | PB-BS | CHHP | HP-U/PB-BS/CHHP |
1d396885-a81b-4cfd-a6f9-4253c1a1759d | 444f75fe-6a2e-4947-8dee-219b5e07c449 | Health Sciences | HP-U | PB-BS | HLTS | HP-U/PB-BS/HLTS |
7380a26d-81fd-4fb3-8623-be0652bc4816 | bb5e96a6-d1cc-4caa-9484-a9022545665d | Policy & Social Problems | A&S-U | SO-BA | PSP | A&S-U/SO-BA/PSP |
623a3270-4752-4a50-98cf-9180809ae7e0 | bb5e96a6-d1cc-4caa-9484-a9022545665d | Racial Equity and Inclusion | A&S-U | SO-BA | REI | A&S-U/SO-BA/REI |
dd63bc27-246e-483a-9f57-302edb741e0d | f6dbac86-398f-4950-a8ab-e5dc0a55643d | French | A&S-U | ML-BA | FR | A&S-U/ML-BA/FR |
815e1b7b-de7d-45dc-819b-0bfde03483c5 | f6dbac86-398f-4950-a8ab-e5dc0a55643d | French & Italian | A&S-U | ML-BA | FIT | A&S-U/ML-BA/FIT |
46083e2f-727e-4270-8713-33e5cccdea5e | f6dbac86-398f-4950-a8ab-e5dc0a55643d | Portuguese & Spanish | A&S-U | ML-BA | PGS | A&S-U/ML-BA/PGS |
2b0d55bf-ac4b-4c81-bfd0-f7690ac19082 | f6dbac86-398f-4950-a8ab-e5dc0a55643d | Spanish | A&S-U | ML-BA | SP | A&S-U/ML-BA/SP |
9ec60304-0275-4900-ae7b-98b58ba99d01 | f6dbac86-398f-4950-a8ab-e5dc0a55643d | Spanish & French | A&S-U | ML-BA | SF | A&S-U/ML-BA/SF |
5ff7cbee-ea6b-4642-bc63-fc791156253e | f6dbac86-398f-4950-a8ab-e5dc0a55643d | Spanish & Italian | A&S-U | ML-BA | SI | A&S-U/ML-BA/SI |